2013 Personal Achievements
Everyone makes at least some attempt at resolutions each new year - even if they say they “don’t make resolutions”. How can you go through life without goals to better yourself as a person? Based on my past, though, we very often do not write them down or forget about them entirely before the end of January.
The problem with goals of mine in the past have always been that they are very generic and/or very difficult to satisfy. I have made a deliberate effort to make my goals for this year both small and specific. This will make it much more difficult to justify my way out of satisfying my goals for this year and much easier to satisfy more goals is they are more achievable.
So, in the spirit of both personal growth and gamification, I bring you my personal1 list of “achievements” for 2013.
Achievements must be:
- Specific - Specific goals have less room to be “justified” by you as “technically” completed. Examples include “Learn C”, “Run More”, etc.
- Quantifiable - This goes with being specific. This makes it very clear as to the completion of your achievement. Did you <insert achievement title>? Yes? Then you did. Easy.
- Achievable - If you’re a brand new engineer now, your goal should not be to become director of your department this year.
What are your 2013 achievements? Feel free to steal mine below if you so choose.
Thanks to @adamwhitcroft for the achievement icons.

Build and release Small Mac app to app store

Visually Design Small Mac App

Build and Release Another iOS App

Open Source Two New Projects

Open source five new projects

Open source one project at Mutual Mobile

Contribute to one large open source project

contribute to three small open source projects
- scopegate/octave (0ff60ac) - Added demo project for sounds

Learn SVN CLI well enough to abandon cornerstone

Read three non-technical books
- Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) - Tom Vanderbilt

Read Five non-technical books

Write an OpenGL shader

Not end up in the ER

Ride my mountain bike without becoming injured

Start a new blog

40 blog posts

Start a regular “column” on my blog.
1: I’ve omitted the truly personal achievements about my life like friends, family, etc.